Sunday 17 March 2013

Can I Take a Message?

Every book is written because the author wants to convey some sort of message. He/She wants the readers to believe something, or see something in a different way. 

In Matched, Ally Condie wants to tell readers that free thinking and imagination is what makes us truly unique, and that taking that away is taking away our identity. In making everyone look the same, and do the same things, controlling everything people do, and bombarding everyone with propaganda, the Society is slowly stripping away everyone's creativity. Without it, we are all just mindless machines that follow routine and blindly follow unjust rules.

We don't know just how lucky we are to live in a such a society in which we are allowed to do what we want, eat where/when/what we want, and marry who we love. We are free to make mistakes and live our lives how we want to. Because "It’s better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing, than a long life spent in a miserable way" -Allan Watts.

To sum it up into one phrase, Condie's message in Matched is "knowledge versus ignorance". 

I believe Ally Condie conveyed this message well and thoroughly, as it was easy to understand, and made sense. Today, we take many things for granted, and imagination is one of them. Condie gave a message that was clear and related to the real world, and made readers really think about what the world would be without everything we have today. 

Condie's message is repeated several times, and that is one of the things Cassia wants. The novel shows the ignorant side of society (which is practically everyone), and how a girl is becoming less and less so; she is gaining knowledge. 

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