Thursday 21 March 2013

Quotes 2

“I am trapped in glass and I want to break out and breathe deeply but I'm too afraid that it will hurt.”

This quote is about wanting to be yourself, and express your emotions, but not being able to because you are afraid of what others will think, or what will happen to you. This quote represents the beginning of the end of the book because that is what Cassia is trying to do. She is trying to break free of the perfect mould of the Society, but is too afraid of the consequences. This quote is thought (by Cassia) when she realizes how truly unfair the Aberration title is. Ky can never be Matched, and he will never be happy. She realizes that he will be alone his whole life and will never know what it would be like to have chosen something different. She knows that they both want to be together, but that would be violating the Society's rules, and putting them both in danger of exile.

          This reminds me of our society; where we are constantly judged for being ourselves, and not fitting in. We are all bullied by someone who thinks we're different and strange. We are constantly trying to fit in, and not stand out in a crowd. We all want to express ourselves, and  do what we want to do (opposed to what others want us to do), but we are afraid of hurting ourselves when we break through that cage. Will people accept us for who we are, or will they take out their sticks and stones and try to break our bones? 
         In our society, the people who are judged the most are homosexuals. They want to be themselves, and express their feelings, but there are constantly people who are against them, and will do anything to make them 'normal'. This is not something that can be cured with a certain herbal tea; these are a person's feelings, and beliefs. They are people who want to break out of their shells, and express themselves, but are too afraid of getting cut, or hurting.
         A book that reminds me of this quote is Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan. In this book, there are two Will Greysons (as the name suggests), one of which is gay, and doesn't know how to show it, or act it. He has a girlfriend, and when his best friend (a girl) starts texting him (pretending to be a boy), he is in love. He knows that he truly is homosexual, and wants to express it to this new boy he met online. He is afraid of what others will think of him (his mother, as well as his girlfriend and best friend,  and his classmates). The book is about his journey to become his own person, and not to care about being judged by society.

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