Thursday 14 March 2013


Cassia Reyes (Main Antagonist): a seventeen year old girl who lives in Oria Province, and is as normal as normal can be. She is a talented 'sorter', and enjoys going to Showings. She enjoys hiking, as well as words (poems, especially), and is best friends with Xander Carrow.

Xander Carrow: Cassia's best friend since First School (lives on the same street as she does), and is now her Match. He likes swimming and games (especially Check).

Ky Markham: A boy in Cassia's neighborhood who used to live in the Outer Provinces, nephew and adopted son of the Markhams. He works at the nutrition disposal office and is in Cassia's hiking class. Also, he is an Aberation, and will never receive a Match.

Grandfather: Cassia's grandfather, and one of her closest friends, even though he is almost eighty. Was a Sorter in his younger years. Grandfather gives Cassia her artifact, a compact, and shows her the hidden compartment (containing stolen writing) .In the book, after Grandfather dies, Cassia always remembers his wise and kind words.

Abran Reyes: The father of Cassia and Bram, he is a Sorter and an Official for the Society. He sorts out artifacts for the community. His project (in the beginning) is to dig up the old library and incinerate any books the Society deems unnecessary.

Bram Reyes: Cassia's little brother. He is a typical troublemaker, and he tends to be late. His artifact is Grandfather's watch, which is really important to him. Also, Bram stands up for what he thinks is right. He has hope when there is virtually nothing to hope for.

Molly Reyes: Cassia and Bram's mother. Works in the Arboretum, and is originally from the Farmlands.

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