Wednesday 3 April 2013

Ky's Journal... Open If You Dare


It was a very long day at work. My hands burned very much, and they turned bright red, even though I wore the thick protection gloves given to us by the Officials. Come to think of it, really, the gloves aren't very thick. I remember when Joey blew into my hand one day, and I could feel his warm breath on the back of my hand. They look thick, but really, they are just filled with a soft spongy material that does nothing to soothe from the heat of the water. I truly hate working at this place; I remember that my grandfather told me that in a time before ours, people got to choose what they wanted to do. It didn’t matter that they weren't good at the job; they could eventually switch work placements. I crave for such freedom, which we don’t have very much here.

Anyway, I shouldn't complain. I have a good like here with my ‘parents’ Patrick and Aida. They treat me well, as if I was their child. However, sometimes I see a flicker in Patrick’s eyes that tells me he hasn't quite gotten over the death of his child, and would swap me with him if he ever had the chance.

Yesterday, Cassia told me the most amazing thing: her grandfather had left her an amazing poem, not part of the hundred we are restricted to nowadays. She told me a line of it, and I can’t get it out of my head: Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage, against the dying of the light. I do not completely understand what it means, but I know I can decode when she gives me the rest of the poem. In exchange, I showed her how to write C in cursive. It is old writing; something my grandfather taught me when I was a young boy. It is beautiful, elegant writing, and a shame that it didn’t last longer than it did. I know I’m not supposed to know it, and that I shouldn’t ever be using it, but it’s just so beautiful, that I cannot resist.

Cassia caught me scribbling in the mud that day, and I just had to teach her. There is something about her that I find so irresistible. I can’t believe the Officials would do something as cruel as match me with her, and get my hopes up for a future with her. I know that is impossible, and not worth dwelling on. I really do like her, but I don’t know how she feels towards me. I know she is matched to Xander, and that the two have been friends for a long time, and it wouldn’t be fair to either of them if I came between their love. But there is a sparkle I see in her eyes every time I catch her looking at me. I’m trying to avoid her best I can so she sees and knows that I am not for her, and that we aren’t supposed to be together, but something keeps pulling me towards her. She is the perfect girl, and I would do anything to be with her; even if that means enduring days upon days working at the FD.

I feel so empty seeing her leave every day after hiking, and I have to do something to show her that I like her too, that the feeling is mutual. I’ve decided to draw her a picture; something that will tell her my story with as little words as possible. I’m still not sure how I’m going to do it, but I know that somehow I must.

I must get to sleep; I have a long day at the FD, and I mustn’t be late again.

Until next time,

Ky plays a crucial part in the Matched trilogy. He plays the boy that Cassia is 'accidentally' matched with, but who also has a mysterious past, and a great story to tell. I decided to write his journal entry after the second hiking trip Cassia had with him, because that is where I think she first fell in love with him. He astonished her with his old writing, and she mystified him with her illegal poem. I think this was also where Ky started to truly trust Cassia and want to know more about her.

Without Ky, there would be no story; Cassia would live a long and happy life with Xander, die at the age of 80, have two lovely kids, and a great work placement. She would never question the Society's motives and long of a different life. She would never know that there was anything better out there. Ky remains a pretty mysterious character throughout the trilogy, and we only get to discover a little bit of him every few chapters. I imagine that he is thinking about Cassia even when he's not with her, because that is what Cassia does, and when he gives her his compass (by 'accident'), you can tell that he was planning to do so, and that it was well though out. You can tell that he trusts her; he taught her how to write, and gave her bits of his story in creative and thoughtful ways. I also imagined him being jealous of Xander, but now wanting to ruin his and Cassia's current relationship; they are both his friends, and it wouldn't be fair to either of them if he got in between that. 

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