Monday 1 April 2013


In a dystopian society such as the one in Matched, it is not uncommon for the author to make up new words/new meanings for words. Here, I have decoded some words that were used in Matched.

Aberration: Someone who has committed a crime (or is a relative of someone who has). They live among the normal people, but don't have the same rights. They cannot be Matched, and cannot carry their own tablets.
          ex. "This is confidential information, by Ky Markham could never be your Match. He    will never be anyone's Match... Ky Markham is an Aberration"

Anomaly: Someone who has committed a major crime and has been deemed dangerous. They are exiled from Society, and no one knows where they live.
          ex. "An Anomaly should never have been unidentified, let alone roam the streets, to sneak into the government offices where Patrick worked and where his son was visiting him that day." (Patrick's son was killed by the Anomaly that day)

Artifacts: Precious historical remains of ancestors that are given to teens for their Matching ceremony. One per person limit, and must be recorded with the Officials.
          ex. "... a few treasures from the past float around among us. Though citizens of the Society are allowed to carry one artifact each, they are hard to come by. Unless you had ancestors who took care to pass things along through the years."

Final Banquet: When a person reaches their 80th year in the Society, they get their Final Banquet. They can order what they want to eat (for their guests, as well), and you get to pick the colour of you plainclothes. Before midnight on the day of their final banquet, they pass away and are cremated.
          ex. "... eightieth birthday, so he will die tonight.... the best age to die is 80... 

Match Banquet: An evening where seventeen year-old men and women learn who their future companions will be. A magnificent feast for Matchees and their parents (and older siblings, if they happen to have any).
          ex. "I've waiting so long for this: for my Match Banquet. Where  I'll see, for the first time, the face of the boy who will be my Match."

Officials: The leaders of the Society, they decide who you are Matched with, where you work, where you live, what you do... They monitor your every movement.
         ex. Officials oversee Cassia and Xander's "first meeting", and informs Cassia that there is nothing wrong with her current Match with Xander, and that Ky's picture on the port was nothing more than a mistake, or sick joke.

The Society: The totalitarian government and group in which most people live. They set the rules and mould the world.
          ex. They decide the rules, how people live, how they are matched, and the fundamentals of life.

Tablets: Each citizen carries a container in which red, blue and green tablets are kept. These are given to you at staggered moments in your life, when you are finally deemed 'mature enough' to carry them yourself. 
         ex. "Three emergency tablets everyone carries... only the blue one, the one with enough nutrients to keep us going for several days if we have water, too... Carrying our own tablets is an important step toward our own independence..."

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