Tuesday 2 April 2013

Quotes 3

“In the absence of real thunder, he's making his own.” 

This quote refers to Cassia's brother, Bram, who, while waiting for a storm to come, is jumping on the metal train platform, making his own thunder. He makes his own fun and entertainment and even runs in public! Rules don't apply to him; he is a young boy with way too much energy that he must spend somewhere, even if that means stomping on the platform making noise. This quote also refers to the line from the Dylan Thomas poem that Cassia read the previous day:

Because their words had forked no lightning they  
Do not go gentle into that good night.

However, I also think this quote can refer to Ky; in a world with no uniqueness, and with no difference between its citizens, he is the creative spark. The fact that writing is not allowed, and no one knows how to write cursive, he does. He draws and write as he pleases. In the absence of originality, he is original and creative. This represents the end of the beginning of the book because that is what Cassia is finally realizing: that Ky is actually very different from the other boys from the Society. He is creative, able to write, and even though he is an Aberration, that doesn't stop him from doing what he loves.

This quote reminds me of my brother; he will always make his own fun, whether that involves a rubber band, soccer ball, or a pen. He always has something to keep him entertained, making the most possible noise. This quote also reminds me of quote that states: Don't wait for the universe to find great things for you, seek them yourself. This is very similar to this quote because it has the same meaning: instead of waiting for things to happen, go make them happen yourself. In the world today, we often struggle to find the magic in our everyday lives. We are always waiting for 'miracles to happen' and other people to do nice things to us. However, in reality, we should be the ones changing the world, instead of waiting for it to change us. We have to go out and be the change we wish to see in the world.

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